Monthly Archives: June 2009

The Verdict is in…

We have a healthy baby of undetermined gender.

The tech thought it was a boy. Maybe? Well, maybe not.

So the answer is boy – maybe? She couldn’t say for certain.

What she could say… well, maybe we’ll know for sure at the next scan…



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Cooking along…

19 weeks came and went without a hitch. we’re both just hanging on till Monday am’s ultrasound – hoping Bubble is healthy and happy in there…and of course, lets us know what’s what with the boy parts/girl parts debate.

Watermelon continues to be a big winner in the “i need to eat  it now” food-o-rama. And I learned today that 1 deep fried pickle is a good idea – but an entire order at a restaurant is not.


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19 weeks-eve

We’re close – so close to the halfway point. With every day, the idea that Bubble might actually come true seems a little less fantastical and a little more real.

Still haven’t bought much. Won’t let others give me anything they’ve bought. Think about end of work day a lot – but still can’t picture baby arrival day.

So weird.

Week 19 will be a big one. On monday we have our anatomy scan and find out Pink? or Blue? (as long as Bubble co-operates) And 4 days after that, we slide past 1/2 way and into the wait for magical week 24.

The bump is growing growing, the heart is beating beating, the morning sickness still has the occasional dry heaving but it still feels like a dream.

Can’t wait for the day Bubble becomes a dream come true.


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Hey – you in there…

what are you like? Are you like your Dad or like me? Are you sweet? Serious? A smartypants? Fast? Fierce? Funny?

I’m very curious about who Bubble is going to be. Not in a career sense or anything. But as a person. Husband and I have things in common but we’re generally quite different. Will the Bub be a little him? A little me? Some yet to be determined hybrid?

It’s so odd to be cooking up a little person.

Usually when you throw two things together and put them into bake you have some idea of what you’re going to get. When it comes to baking Bubbles it’s anyone’s guess.

I sure am getting excited to find out.

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cough – i think I have one

And I must admit – I hate coughing right now. As ridiculous as is seems – I worry coughing and sneezing will affect Bubble in some horrible way.

I’m such a worry wort.

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Thanks for great shopping advice!

I got lots of cute new clothes that fit and have room to grow! No though. Looks like it’s gonna have to be online. The F’s were too small! geez, only 18 and a bit weeks here…will I get to H? sure hope not…

I’m beat after a whole day of walking so time to sleep.

Just have to figure out what I’m going to wear tomorrow. And considering the 4 top rotation that’s been going on here, that’s a good problem to have.

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5 things I hope I can do as well as my dad…

On Father’s Day Eve, I’d like to take a moment to list off a few things I hope I can do half as well for Bubble as my dad did for me.

1. Love Bubble Absolutely – even when Bubble is a dreadful teenager saying mean things to me I hope I can make Bubble feel loved fully, completely and unendlingly every single day.

2. Make Bubble Laugh – even when things have gone wrong – the pie has just slide into the bottom of the still hot oven, even when Bubble’s heart is broken, foot is broken, when dreams are dashed or 1st place falls out of reach – I hope I can make Bubble giggle (even if it seems slightly inappropriate under the circumstances).

3. Teach Bubble the difference between want and need – understand the importance of the difference and still give Bub all s(he) needs – and most of the wants too.

4. I hope I can believe in Bubble even when Bub is making it hard to do so – and more importantly, make sure that at no time Bubble stops believing in his/herself.

5. I hope I can pass along the wisdom that it’s important to try and be the best you can be every day. Somedays you aren’t. You do stupid things or say stupid things. or let someone else get the better of you, or you just don’t try very hard. But the next day, you get the chance to do it all again. What you did yesterday is in the past. And today you have another chance to be the best you can be.

I hope everyone has a happy father’s day tomorrow. Dad’s are good. And I miss mine very much.


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Need new clothes…

I realize I promised an insightful post but I my current need is taking up too much space in my brain leaving no room to think about anything else.

It’s getting to be situation critical on the clothing front. I need new duds!

Heading to the US of A to do some shopping this weekend. Any tips from those of you living in the states – need for big mel.ons (there’s no better way to put it), a (gasp) bathing suit (not looking forward to that one) and some tops to wear in a creative envrionment workplace.

Just wondering if anyone knows places I should check out? We have thyme and motherhood maternity here – but that’s about it – and with 3 other bumps roaming the office – we run the risk of all wearing the smae thing every day. Sounds childish but I want to look like myself (the slightly expanded version) – cool t’s, something hip? so far no luck.

Advice appreciated.


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work work work

Yeah – sorry about begging. Am working like a dog. Late every night. Early every morning. Exhausted. Must sleep. Real post tomorrow. Promise.


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17w2d – is time standing still?

Feels like time has stopped completely. Yuck. I have been offline for a couple of days and still have nada to say.

I do, however, have a 17 week pic. Maybe it’ll get us through till tomorrow when I promise I’ll have something to say…

17wbump There. Now you don’t have to say it. I know that it’s the 17w bus.t that gets all the attention. Bump is hard to photograph.

Will try again in a couple of weeks…


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