Monthly Archives: December 2012

The hosptial food menu should not include fish…

Hopefully Obi and I will be able to go home tomorrow after a night of observation in the hospital. I have a feeling they tell people one night so they don’t freak out, then let them know longer once they’ve made some arrangements and gotten used to the idea, but I could just be paranoid.

Flunked my NST (non-stress-test – the belly monitors) today, with the baby’s heart rate dropping during contractions. Haven’t heard the details on my BPP (bio physical profile ultrasound).

Sounds like going to work is out – though working from home seems to be a-ok, at this point. I would like to finish my current projects so I’m hoping I’m cleared to do so tomorrow.

Whether it’s hospital bedrest, strict bedrest at home or modified bedrest at home remains to be seen.

I’m mostly in the ‘better safe than sorry’ camp and will do whatever it takes. But a small part of me is ba-humbugging over my fav, fav, fav time of the year being hijacked by yet another ‘can’t have a baby like a normal person’ moment.

Of course, I would do ANYTHING for the baby. I’ve already been to hell and back. What’s a few more weeks? But I am sad to miss out on the holiday season. I already made cookies with Bubble because I knew I might not be doing my regular bake-fest. I’ve done a lot of shopping and online-gifts-come-wrapped ordering. But this weekend was tree/outside lights/wrapping/card doing/santa hat wearing weekend and I’m not sure I’ll be there for any of it. Sigh.

Early delivery is guaranteed. It appears that 35 weeks is looking more likely than 37 at this point. Steroid shots are on-board in case even 34 is a stretch. That means baby will be here in less than 3 weeks. She and Santa are in a race. Bubble will likely be getting a baby sister for Christmas.

Not sure how I’ll fit her into the advent calendar.


Filed under ivf

Just popping by for a small update

Obi and I had our first round of tests at the hospital to monitor the possible IUGR. They measured her to be 5th percentile, though they did register growth from the previous ultrasound. So, she is growing but not gaining as much weight as they’d like.
My NST, non-stress test was also no ideal, as they weren’t seeing the accelerations they’d like. I’m back in Friday for another NST then again on Tuesday for BPP and NST.
The OB on call said things are looking pretty good considering. They can’t see any physical reason (defect) that would cause the slow growth.
She believes we’ll make our 34 week milestone, but will likely be induced between 35 and 37 weeks. That is not very long from now…

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Filed under ivf

More Worries, or a one friend puts it, “why can’t you catch a frickin’ break?”

Wee Obi is just that.
Quite wee.

Measuring 2.5 weeks behind at last ultrasound one week ago today. She’s just shy of the 10th percentile and she’s been flagged for suspected IUGR.


So we start weekly ultrasounds this and every tuesday until delivery. When I asked my OB to talk to me about possible outcomes – best and worst case scenarios – he told me to think in terms of milestones. Right now, we want to make it to 34 weeks without having to deliver early due to lack of consistent growth. She will be monitored closely and if there are signs she should come out, they’ll administer the steroid shots and induce or c-section. If we get to 34 weeks, the new milestone will be 36 weeks – New Years Day. By then, her lungs should be mature. From there, we’ll look at going all the way.
Any dip in her percentile or signs of distress and she’ll “be better out than in”.

Wrapping my head around all that means, packing the hospital bag this weekend to prepare for the worst case, coming to terms with the thought of possibly meeting Obi before the holidays and spending Christmas in the NICU, hoping for the best and setting my sights on that first milestone.

Wishing we could catch a freakin’ break.


Filed under ivf