Even the nurse looked at me like I was crazy…

So Baseline today. As you can see from my previous post it’s so far so good. More gonal-F than was originally prescribed but it’s all systems go.

When we talked to the nurse today she was all smiles. Asked how it was going? Everything alright? Not so bad right?

So I started to tell her about the side effects. All the side effects. And she looked at me. And she looked at me. And she said can’t wait to see how low your estrogen is. We don’t normally have any trouble with Lupron… And I looked at her with some rather wet eyes and kind of whimpered.  She explained that they needed the number to be between 200 and 10. (Later I found out I clocked in at 56.) And then she said –  you’d better hope they figure out that menopause thing before you get there. And sent us on our way.

Now that’s comforting… now I have that to look forward to. ug.

My husband has a good feeling about this time. He hasn’t ever had that before. Or at least he hasn’t said it out loud. Maybe it’s time for good feelings.

I really want this to work. If I say it out loud – does that make it more or less likely? If I type it out loud, does that jinx it?

I have hope sneaking in. Wouldn’t it be nice if it just worked? That never happens to me. I’m better with small luck. I find money. I get the short line in the checkout. Great parking spots. But big luck? Not really my thing. And I could use some big luck right now.

Cause I think I’d really like this to work.


Filed under ivf

3 responses to “Even the nurse looked at me like I was crazy…

  1. Da-umn, that nurse was harsh! Geez. Nice bedside manner, lady. :-/

    Your husband sounds like a wise man. I vote for listening to him and ignoring the nurse.

  2. I know how you feel about jinxes, etc. I don’t know if I should have a positive attitude or if I should not too positive lest I jinx myself.

  3. I’m all for small luck- and all you need is a string of it really-right?
    all you need is for your E2 to be great– it is! see? a great start.

    I am so sorry for your side effects, and I do NOT believe what we experience on these crazy making drugs has ANYTHING to do with how we will feel in menopause. seriously. this stuff is crazy and if folks out there went through this often there’d be an island (a big one) just for us. So, please do not worry at all about that (my non-hormoned self wants to bite your nurse in the knee)– but I can say this
    It is so cool to hear you are letting hope seep in

    Good luck! Small and large,

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